- Caddo Bibliography, 3rd Edition, March 2011
Perttula, Timothy K., Ann M. Early, Lois E. Albert, and Jeffrey Girard
with contributions by Robert L. Brooks, Duncan McKinnon, Robert Z. Selden, Jr., Mary Beth Trubitt, and Mark Walters
Caddo Archeology Journal
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume I, No. 1, Fall 1989
Winchell, Frank
Comments on Caddo Settlement Pattern and Culture Identity
Fields, Ross C.
Recent Archeological Investigations at the Jewett Mine, East-Central Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume I, No. 2, Winter 1989/1990
Sollberger, J.B.
Greetings, Caddoan Archeology!
Fields, Ross C.
Recent Archeological Investigations at the Army Ammunition Plant, Webster Parish, Louisiana
Mallouf, Robert J.
The "Battle of the Bill" in Texas
McKee, Bonnie M.
Texas Archeology Preservation Award for Boy Scouts of Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume I, No. 3, Summer 1990
Thurmond, J. Peter
Was the Cypress Cluster One of the (Many) Victims of the 1539-1543 De Soto Expedition?
Gregory, H.F.
Abstracts from the 1990 Caddo Conference
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume I, No. 4, Fall 1990
Schambach, Frank F.
The "Northern Caddoan Area" was not Caddoan
Perttula, Timothy K.
Northeast Texas Historic Contexts
Winchell, Frank
An Assessment of the Fourche Maline Culture and Its Place in the Prehistory of Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume II, No. 1, Spring 1991
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Notes from the Northwest Louisiana Regional Archaeology Program
Rogers, Daniel J.
A Perspective on Arkansas Basin and Ozark Highland Prehistory
Gaither, Steve, Timothy K. Perttula, and Gary Cheatwood
The Cheatwood Place (41RR181), a Midden Mound along Little Mustang Creek, Red River County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume II, No. 2, Summer 1991
Amick, Clyde, Ed Furman, Timothy K. Perttula, James E. Bruseth, and Bonnie C. Yates
ALCOA #1 (41AN87): A Frankston Phase Settlement along Mound Prairie Creek, Anderson County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume II, No. 3, Fall 1991
Schambach, Frank F.
Coles Creek Culture and the Trans-Mississippi South
Bruseth, James E.
Hudnall-Pirtle Site: An Early Caddoan Mound Complex in Northeast Texas
Hardey, Jim, and Claude McCrocklin
Preliminary Report on an Archeological Survey of Stormy Point
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume II, No. 4, Winter 1991/1992
Albert, Lois E.
Recent Excavations at the Tall Cane Site (34SQ294)
Early, Ann M.
An Example of Rock Art from the Arkansas Ouachitas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume III, No. 1, Spring 1992
Perttula, Timothy K.
Summary of the 34th Caddo Conference
Albert, Lois E.
Oklahoma Archeological Survey Works with GLO Survey Maps
Albert, Lois E.
Archeological Survey in Northeastern Oklahoma
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume III, No. 2, Summer 1992
Hickerson, Daniel A.
Early Historic Hasinai Leadership: Toward a Coalition Theory
McCrocklin, Claude
Report on Test Excavations by the Adais Caddo at a Caddoan Mound in Caddo Parish, Louisiana
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume III, No. 3, Fall 1992
Winchell, Frank, and David H. Jurney
Native American Integration in 19th Century Anglo-American Society: An Archaeological Perspective from Northeastern Texas
Bagur, Jacques
The Caddo Indian Village
McCrocklin, Claude
An Intermediate Report on the James Bayou Survey, Marion County, Texas: A Search for Caddo Village
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume III, No. 4, Winter 1992/1993
Middlebrook, Tom A.
Radiocarbon Dates from the Tyson Site (41SY92)
Nelson, Bo and Timothy K. Perttula
Site 41UR136, a Titus Phase Site in the Little Cypress Creek Basin
Keller, John
Excavations at the Gray's Pasture Site (41HS524)
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume IV, No. 1, April 1993
Winchell, Frank
A Look at the Relationship between the Spiro and Toltec Centers on the Arkansas River: A View from the Ancient Nile Valley
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume IV, No. 2, July 1993
Schambach, Frank F.
Spiroan Entrepots at and Beyond the Western Border of the Trans-Mississippi South
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume IV, No. 3, October 1993
Wilson, Diane
The Sexual Division of Labor at the Sanders Site (41LR2), Lamar County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume IV, No. 4, January 1994
Perttula, Timothy K.
Caddoan Mound Sites in the Sabine River Basin of Northeast Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume V, No. 1, April 1994
Perttula, Timothy K.
Additional Information on Caddoan Mounds Sites in the Sabine River Basin of Northeast Texas
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Investigations at the James Pace Site (16DS268), DeSoto Parish, Louisiana
Wyckoff, Don G., and Larry Neal
Some Notes on "Rose Quartz" Artifacts in the Caddoan Area
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume V, No. 2, July 1994
Jurney, David H.
The Original Distribution of Bois D'Arc. Part 1: Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume V, No. 3, October 1994
Nelson, Bo, Tim Perttula, and Mike Turner
Caddoan Archaeology in the Little Cypress Creek Valley: Recent Investigations at the Griffin Mound Site (41UR142), Upshur County, Texas
Early, Ann
Book Review: Abandonment of Settlements and Regions: Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeological Approaches, edited by Catherine M. Cameron and Steve A. Tomka
Vaughn, Heidi
Book Review: The Ouachita Mountains: A Guide for Fishermen, Hunters, and Travelers, by Milton D. Rafferty and John C. Catau
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume V, No. 4, January 1995
Girard, Jeffrey S.
An Early Ceramic Period Pit Feature at the Swan Lake Site (16BO11), Bossier Parish, Louisiana
Dickson, Don R.
Prehistoric Lithic Procurement Sites: A Vanishing Resource
Dickson, Don R.
Recent Work at 34PA341 in the Brushy-Peaceable Watershed
Perttula, Timothy K.
Caddoan Archeological and Historical Workshop for the Caddo Tribe of Oklahoma in Support of Their Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Grant
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume 6, No. 1, April 1995
Speir, Thomas E., and David H. Jurney
Archaeological Investigations at the Marshall Powdermill and Arsenal (41HS17), Confederate States of America 1864-1865, Harrison County, Texas
Schambach, Frank F.
A Probable Spiroan Entrepot in the Red River Valley in Northeast Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume 6, No. 2, July 1995
Jurney, David H., and William Young
Southwestern Pottery and Turquoise in Northeastern Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume 6, No. 3, October 1995
Hickerson, Daniel A.
Historical Processes and the Political Organization of the Hasinai Caddo Indians
Jobson, Robert W., Frank Winchell, A.E. Picarella, and Kevin C. Hall
Preliminary Report on a Stratified Late Archaic-Woodland Era Rockshelter in Rogers County, Oklahoma
- Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Volume 6, No. 4, January 1996
MIddlebrook, Tom, and Ryan Middlebrook
On Hearths and Houses
Cruse, J. Brett, and Timothy K. Perttula
The Caddoan Oak Hill Village Site
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 7, No. 1, April 1996
Brooks, Robert L.
The Arkansas River Valley: A New Paradigm, Revisionist Perspectives and the Archaeological Record
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 7, No. 2, July 1996
Kenmotsu, Nancy Adele, and Timothy K. Perttula
"Historical Processes and the Political Organization of the Hasinai Caddo Indians": A Reply
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 7, No. 3, October 1996
Schambach, Frank F.
The Womack, Gilbert and Pearson Sites: Early Eighteenth Century Tunican Entrepots in Northeast Texas?
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 7, No. 4, January 1997
Perttula, Timothy K., Mike Turner, and Bo Nelson
Radiocarbon and Oxidizable Carbon Ratio Dates from the Camp Joy Mound (41UR144) in Northeast Texas
Schambach, Frank F.
Countinuing the Discussion of the Spiroans and Their Entrepots: A Reply to Brooks's Critique of My New Paradigm for the Archeology of the Arkansas Valley
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 8, No. 1, April 1997
Dickson, Don
Extractive Strategies at Peoria Quarry, Ottawa County, Oklahoma
Perttula, Timothy K.
"Don't Know Much About Caddo Archeology, Don't Know Much...."; a review of "Native American History" by Judith Niles
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 8, No. 2, July 1997
Etchieson, Meeks
Ouachita National Forest/Weyerhaeuser Company Land Exchange
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 8, No. 3, October 1997
Perttula, Timothy K.
Sabine River and Middle Red River Ceramics: Musing on the Ceramic Data Used in Schambach's "Continuing the Discussion of the Spiroans and Their Entrepots"
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Historic Caddoan Occupation in the Natchitoches Area: Recent Attempts to Locate Residential Sites
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 8, No. 4, January 1998
Dickson, Don R.
Obsidian Artifacts from the Ozark Area
Perttula, Timothy K.
Caddo Ceramics from the Middle Caddoan Period Knight's Bluff Site (41CS14), Cass County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 9, No. 1, April 1998
Perttula, Timothy K., Daniel J. Prikryl, Bo Nelson, and Sergio A. Iruegas
Caddo Lake Archaeology: Phase I of Archaeological Investigations along Harrison Bayou, Harrison County, Texas
McCrocklin, Claude
Preliminary Report on the James Bayou Survey: A Search for Sha-Childni-Ni (1795-1840)
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 9, No. 2, July 1998
Bartlett, Robert
Archaeological Investigations at 34WG220: A Prehistoric Occupation in the Arkansas River Valley of Eastern Oklahoma
Todd, Jesse
Research Notes: Conch Shell Cups and Black Drink
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 9, No. 3/4, October 1998/January 1999
Schambach, Frank F.
Deconstructing the "Sanders Focus" and the "Sanders Phase": A Reply to Perttula Regarding the Taxonomy and Significance of the So-called Sanders Focus, or Sanders Phase, Pottery of Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 10, No. 1, April 1999
Barnes, Mark R., and Timothy K. Perttula
Caddoan Ceremonial Sites of the Caddoan Cultural Area of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas: Draft Caddo National Historic Landmark Nomination
Perttula, Timothy K. and Bo Nelson
Report on the 41st Caddo Conference, Held March 12-13, 1999
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 10, No. 2, July 1999
Perttula, Timothy K.
Current Archeological Investigations at the Pilgrim's Pride Site (41CP304) in Camp County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 10, No. 3, October 1999
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Late Caddoan Occupation along Cowhide Bayou: An Update on the Belcher Mound and Village Sites
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 10, No. 4, January 2000
Baerreis, David A.
Two New Cultures in Delaware County, Oklahoma
Albert, Lois, E.
Updates on Publications About These Delaware County Sites
Antle, H.R.
A Bluff-Shelter Site in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 11, No. 1-2, April 2000/July 2000
Finkelstein, J. Joe
The Norman Site Excavations near Wagoner, Oklahoma
Albert, Lois E.
The Norman Site: Site Descriptions
Rogers, J. Daniel, Lois E. Albert, and Frank Winchell
Chronometrics at the Norman Site
Vogele, Louis E. Jr.
Current Status of the Norman Site
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 11, No. 3, October 2000
Orr, Kenneth
Field Report on the Excavation of Indian Villages in the Vicinity of the Spiro Mounds, Leflore County, Oklahoma
Perttula, Timothy K. and Bo Nelson
Archeological Investigations at the Harrison Bayou Site (41HS240) in Harrison County, Texas
Todd, Jesse
Notes on the Mollusca from Site 41DT59, Cooper Lake, Delta County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 11, No. 4, January 2001
Etchieson, Meeks
Archeological Investigations on the Weyerhaeuser Land Exchange Sites, McCurtain County, Oklahoma: An Update
Perttula, Timothy K.
Chemical Analysis of Caddo Pottery: A Request for Assistance in the Study of Prehistoric Caddo Trade and Exchange with Their Neighbors Both Near and Far
Todd, Jesse
Insect Effigy Pendants
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 12, No. 1, April 2001
Boyd, Bryan E., and Timothy K. Perttula
Initial Findings from the Archeological Investigations of the Hardin A Site (41GG69), Gregg County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Index to the First Eleven Volumes of Caddoan Archeology Newsletter
Howard, Lynn E.
Preliminary Report on Cherokee County, Oklahoma Archaeology
White, Sarah
Human Effigy Pipes from Spiro Mound, LeFlore County, Oklahoma
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 12, No. 2/3, July/October 2001
Lee, Dayna Bowker (editor)
Regional Variation and Protohistoric Identity: A Round Table Discussion from the 43rd Caddo Conference, March 17, 2001
Orr, Kenneth G.
The Eufaula Mound: Contributions to the Spiro Focus
- Caddoan Archeology, Volume 12, No. 4, April 2002
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Phelps Lake and Jim Burt: Two Middle Woodland Period Mounds in Northwestern Louisiana
Perttula, Timothy K., and Bo Nelson
Archeological Investigations at the Frank Benson Site (41TT310), Titus County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Journal, Volume 13(1). Winter 2003
Perttula, Timothy K., Bo Nelson, and LeeAnna Shniebs
Titus Phase Archeology at the S. Stockade Site (41TT865) on Tankersley Creek, Titus County, Texas
Walters, Mark, Bryan Boyd, Bo Nelson, LeeAnna Shniebs, and Timothy K. Perttula
The James Owens Site (41TT769) in the Sulphur River Basin of Northeast Texas
Cast, Robert
Review of "Thinking About Cultural Resource Management: Essays from The Edge", by Thomas F. King
- Caddoan Archeology Journal, Volume 13(2). Spring 2003
Early, Ann M., and Mary Beth Trubitt
The Caddo Indian Burial Ground (3MN386), Norman, Arkansas
Jackson, A.T.
Hatchel Site and Paul Mitchell Cemetery
Perttula, Timothy K., and Bo Nelson
Temporal and Spatial Patterns in the Prehistoric Settlement of the Lake Bob Sandlin Area, Big Cypress Creek Basin, Northeastern Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Book Review: "The Hasinais: Southern Caddoans As Seen by the Earliest Europeans", by Herbert Bolton
- Caddoan Archeology Journal, Volume 13(3/4). Winter 2004
Vogel, Gregory
A Spatial Analysis Approach to Understanding Caddoan Mounds in the Arkansas River Drainage
Walters, Mark
41SM195A. The Browning Site
Perttula, Timothy K., and Bo Nelson
Certain Caddo Sites in the Ouachita Mountains of Southwestern Arkansas
Jackson, A.T.
Excavation of an Earth Mound, Bowie County, Texas
- Caddoan Archeology Journal, Volume 14. Spring 2005
Cast, Robert, Timothy K. Perttula, Bobby Gonzalez, and Bo Nelson
The W.T. Scott Collection at the American Museum of Natural History
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Mapping a Novaculite Quarry in Hot Springs National Park
Vogel, Gregory
Cavanaugh: A Late Prehistoric Platform Mound in Western Arkansas
Perttula, Timothy K., and Bo Nelson
The Pine Saddle Site (3PL1080) in the Ouachita Mountains, Polk County, Arkansas
Lintz, Christopher, and Floyd Largent
Note on a Possible Chipped Stone Grubbing Tool from Upshur County, Texas
Wade, Mariah F.
Casañas, Hidalgo, and Espinosa: A Spanish Learning Curve
Marceaux, Paul Shawn
Caddo Archives and Economies
Gibson, Jon L.
Bossier Tribes, Caddo in North Louisiana's Pineywoods
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 15. Spring 2006
Walters, Mark
The Lake Clear (41SM243) Site and Crotalus horridus atricaudatus
Brooks, Robert L.
From Mounds to Monasteries - A Look at Spiro and Other Centers Through the Use of Metaphor
Bruseth, James E., and Timothy K. Perttula
Archeological Investigations at teh Hundall-Pirtle Site (41RK4)
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 16. Spring 2007
Perttula, Timothy K.
Proposal For a 2007 Caddo Archaeology Summit Meeting
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Byram Ferry (16BO17): A Middle to Late Caddo Period Mound Site in the Red River Floodplain, Northwest Louisiana
Perttula, Timothy K., Bo Nelson, Mark Walters, and LeeAnna Schniebs
Archaeological Investigations of the Lang Pasture (41AN38) Midden Deposits on private property west of the SH 155 Right-of-Way, Anderson County, Texas
Walker, Chester P., and Timothy K. Perttula
Remote Sensing at the Horace Cabe Site (41BW14)
Perttula, Timothy K.
The History of Archaeological Investigations at the Jamestown Mound Site (41SM54), An Archaeological Conservancy Preserve in Smith County, Texas
Shafer, Harry J.
Leaning Rock Site (41SM325) Lithics
Trubitt, Mary Beth
The Organization of Novaculite Tool Production: Quarry-Workshop Debitage Comparisons
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 17. 2008
Walters, Mark, with contributions from Leslie G. Cecil, Linda Scott Cummings, J. Phil Dering, Jeffrey R. Ferguson, Michael D. Glascock, Timothy K. Perttula, LeeAnna Schniebs, Harry J. Shafer, Jesse Todd, and Chester P. Walker
Life on Jackson Creek, Smith County, Texas: Archeological Investigations of a 14th Century Caddo Domicile at the Leaning Rock Site (41SM325)
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 18. 2008
Carter, Cecile Elkins
A Decade of Straight Talk and Trust
Pertula, Timothy K., Robert Cast, and Bobby Gonzalez
Caddo Archaeology in Texas and the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma: Prospects and Challenges
Tiller, Jim
Was Timber Hill the Last Caddo Village in the Caddo Homeland?
Crook, Wilson W., III, and Timothy K. Perttula
A Foster-Trailed Vessel from the Sister Grove Creek Site (41COL36), Collin County, Texas
Shafer, Harry J., and Lee Green
Tuinier Borrow Pit Biface Cache, Hopkins County, Texas
Cast, Robert
Book Review of "Looting Spiro Mounds: An American King Tut's Tomb", by David La Vere. 2007, University of Oklahoma Press
Perttula, Timothy K., and Chester P. Walker
Index to the First Eighteen Volumes of the Caddoan Archeology Newsletter, Caddoan Archeology, and Caddo Archeology Journal
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 19. 2009
Gregory, Pete
The Caddo and the Caddo Conference
Davis, Hester A., and E. Mott Davis
An Account of the Birth and Growth of Caddo Archeology, as Seen by Review of 50 Caddo Conferences, 1946-2008
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 20. 2010
Tiller, Jim
A Case for Dehahuit's Village, Part 1
Brooks, Robert L.
Analyzing the Arkansas River Caddoan Cultural Landscape
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, and Bo Nelson, with a contribution by LeeAnna Schniebs
Further Investigations of a Prehistoric Caddo Habitation Site in the White Oak Creek Basin of Northeast Texas: The James Owens Site (41TT769)
Walters, Mark, with contributions by Tom Middlebrook and Timothy K. Perttula
Redwine or Pie-Crust Mode Forms in East Texas Caddo Ceramics and Comparisons with Sprocket-Rims of Southwest Arkansas
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Two Shell Gorgets from Southwest Arkansas
Todd, Jesse
Two Catlinite Pipe Fragments from the Womack Site, Lamar County, Texas
Todd, Jesse, and Robert L. Turner
Clay Pipes from the Tuck Carpenter Site (41CP5)
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 21. 2011
Miller, John
Some Notes on Replicating Prehistory Pottery
Dowd, Elsbeth Linn
Mountain Fork Archaeology: A Preliminary Report on the Ramos Creek Site (34MC1030)
Trubitt, Mary Beth, Kathryn Parker, and Lucretia Kelly
Reconstructing Ancient Foodways at the Jones Mill Site (3HS28), Hot Spring County, Arkansas
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Foster Trailed-Incised: A GIS Based Analysis of Caddo Ceramic Distribution
Dowd, Elsbeth Linn
Sourcing Red River Jasper: An Archaeological and Geological Investigation of a Gravel Chert in the Red River Drainage
Tiller, Jim
A Case for Dehahuit's Village, Part II
Selden, Robert Z., Jr.
Digital Preservation and Spatial Representation at the Washington Square Mound Site (41NA49), Nacogdoches County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
A Radiocarbon Date from a Middle Caddo Period Habitation Site on Hickory Creek, Houston County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K. and James K. Feathers
Luminescence Dates from the Tuinier Farm Site (41HP237) in Hopkins County, Texas
Brooks, Robert L.
An Earspool from near Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma??
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 22. 2012
Trubitt, Mary Beth
A Memorial Note
Earles, Chase Kawinhut
Caddo Pottery in Modern and Contemporary Art, and Protection of Native American Cultures in Fine Arts by the IACB's Indian Arts and Crafts Act
Perttula, Timothy K.
A Caddo Archeology Map
Girard, Jeffrey S.
Recent Investigations at the Mounds Plantation Site (16CD12), Caddo Parish, Louisiana
McKinnon, Duncan P.
M.R. Harrington and the Lost Mound in Hempstead County, Arkansas
Brooks, Robert
The Pickett Switch Site (34PN1) and the Presence of Arkansas River Basin Caddoans in East Central Oklahoma
Perttula, Timothy K.
Watershed Times for the Caddo Peoples of the Far Southeast
Tiller, Jim and Gang Gong
July 1, 1835: What did the Caddo Believe they were Selling, and was the Price Paid Fair?
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 23. 2013
Perttula, Timothy K.
Woodland Period Archaeology as seen from the Attoyac Bayou Basin in East Texas
Regnier, Amanda L.
The McDonald Site: An Analysis of WPA Excavations at a Caddo Site in the Glover River Drainage, McCurtain County, Oklahoma
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Landscape as a Ritual Object: Exploring Some Thoughts on Organized Space in the Great Bend Region in Southwestern Arkansas
Todd, Jesse
Preliminary Comments on Dog Interments from Archeological Sites in Northeast Texas: Folklore and Archeology
Perttula, Timothy K. and Robert Z. Selden, Jr.
Bibliography on Woodland and Caddo Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis and Petrographic Analysis Studies in East Texas, Northwest Louisiana, eastern Oklahoma, and Southwest Arkansas
Perttula, Timothy K., Bo Nelson, and Mark Walters
Spatial Patterning of Material Culture Remains and Animal Bone at an Early 18th Century Caddo Site in East Texas
Pleasant, Darryl
Documentary Evidence for the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Location of the Adaes Indians
Tiller, Jim
The Caddo Nation Begins to Reassemble, 1840-1851
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 24. 2014
Leith, Luther J.
Towards a Common Understanding: A Revision of Fourche Maline Chronology in Oklahoma
Brooks, Robert L.
Burned Rock Mounds in North-Central and Northeastern Oklahoma
Hanvey, Vanessa N.
Predictive Modeling of a Caddo Structure in the Ouachita Mountains, Montgomery County, Arkansas
Perttula, Timothy K.
The Classification of Late Caddo Period Utility Ware Jars from Sites in the Big Cypress Basin of East Texas
Selden, Robert Z., Jr.
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis in the Ancestral Caddo Territory
Perttula, Timothy K.
The Ear Spool Site (41TT653): A mid-15th to early 17th Century A.D. Caddo site in the Sulphur River Basin, Titus County, Texas
Pleasant, Darryl
The Ranchos of Los Adaes: Spanish Geography and American Land Claims in Western Louisiana
Lemee, Patty
St. Denis, The Caddo, and Others: Letters from Patty Lemee
Todd, Jesse
Looped and Perforated Elbow Pipes in Northeast Texas
Cast, Robert
Peyoteism and the Origins of Caddo Religious Thought
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 25. 2015
Love, Lori Barkwill, Steve A. Tomka, and Timothy K. Perttula
The Petrographic Analysis of Sherds from the Craig Mound at the Spiro Site (34Lf40), the Moore #3/Ainsworth Site (34Lf31), and the Green site (34Lf36), LeFlore County, Oklahoma
Brooks, Robert L.
An Aggregate of Spear Points from Atoka County, Oklahoma
Trubitt, Mary Beth, and Linda Evans
Revisiting a Historic Manuscript: Vere Huddleston's Report on the East Place (3CL21) Excavations
Eubanks, Paul N.
A Reconstruction of Caddo Salt Making Process at Drake's Salt Works
Perttula, Timothy K., and Tom Guderjan
Report on the 56th Caddo Conference and 21st East Texas Archeological Conference
Meeks, Michaell, II
2014 Caddo Culture Club Activities Report
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 26. 2016
Perttula, Timothy K.
Syntheses of the Caddo Archaeological Record
Girard, Jeffrey S., and Leslie G. Cecil
Comparing Caddo and Coles Creek Pottery Using Petrographic Analysis
Girard, Jeffrey S., and Timothy K. Perttula
Copper Artifacts from Caddo Sites in the Southern Caddo Area
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Distribution of Design: The Rayed Circle
Rees, James A. Jr.
How the Ji'kmaqn Came to Spiro: Possible Additions to the Inventory of Sound-Making Instruments Depicted in the Spiro Engravings
Trubitt, Mary Beth, Leslie L. Bush, Lucretia S. Kelly, and Katie Leslie
Ouachita Mountains Foodways: Preliminary Results from 2013-2014 Excavations at 3MN298
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Report on the 2015 Caddo Conference in Arkadelphia
Meeks, Michaell, II
2015 Caddo Culture Club Activities Report
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 27. 2017
Fields, Ross C.
The Prairie Caddo Model and the J.B. White Site
Rowe, Simone
Patterns of Cranial Trauma at the Akers Site (34LF32) of Southeastern Oklahoma
Starr, Joanne DeMaio
The Adair Site: Caddo Relations through Ceramic Analysis
McKinnon, Duncan P., Ryan Nguyen, Tyler Yeager, and Leslie L. Bush
Salvage along the Red River: The Red Cox (3LA18) Site and its Place on the Caddo Landscape
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Effigy Pottery in the Joint Educational Consortium�s Hodges Collection
Fields, Ross C., and John E. Dockall
Current Research in the Sabine Mine's Rusk Permit, Rusk County, Texas
McKinnon, Duncan P.
A Report on a Long Term Research Program on the Bowman Site in Arkansas
McKinnon, Duncan P.
A Short Report and Request on Building a Canine Burial Corpus
Perttula, Timothy K.
Current Archeological Research in East Texas: Documentation of WPA-Gus Arnold Archeological Survey Collections
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Update on Recent Activities at the Arkansas Archeological Survey's Henderson State University Research Station in Arkadelphia
Avery, George E. and Charles A. Phillips
Report on the Combined 2016 Caddo Conference and East Texas Archeological Conference in Nacogdoches, Texas
Meeks, Michaell, II
Report on the 2016 Caddo Culture Club Activities
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 28. 2018
Eubanks, Paul N.
The Effects of Horses and Raiding on the Salt Industry in Northwest Louisiana
Lambert, Shawn
Addressing the Cosmological Significance of a Pot: A Search for Cosmological Structure in the Craig Mound
Nash, Louisa
The Cosmos in Clay: An Analysis of Avery Engraved Vessel Motifs
Chowdhury, Pritam
Middle Caddo Whole Vessels from the Ferguson Site (3HE63)
Sullivan, Stephanie M., and Tiago Attorre
Feature Scale Analysis Using Ground-Penetrating Radar and Low Altitude Prospection at the Collins Mound Site, Northwest Arkansas
Lambert, Shawn
Ceramic Production and Distribution during the Formative Caddo Period: A Stylistic and Provenance Investigation of the Arkansas River Valley
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, Kevin Stingley, and Tom Middlebrook
Recent Documentation of Ceramic Vessels and Other Funerary Objects in the Titus Phase Cemetery at the Tuck Carpenter Site, Camp County, Texas
Briscoe, James
Current Research in the Upper McGee Creek Drainage, Oklahoma
Trubitt, Mary Beth, and Chelsea Cinotto
Current Research at Arkansas Archeological Survey's Henderson State University Research Station
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Toward a Collaborative Development of a Truly Comprehensive Multi-State Material Culture Database
Girard, Jeffrey S., and Pete Gregory
Abstracts from the 2017 Caddo Conference in Natchitoches, Louisiana
Meeks, Michaell, II
2017 Caddo Culture Club Activities Report
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 29. 2019
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Caddo Pottery from Eight Sits in the Middle Ouachita River Valley
Trubitt, Mary Beth
A Preliminary Comparison of Two Caddo Mound Sites in Southwest Arkansas
Ford, Paige
In Between Two Worlds: Past Perspectives on the Neosho Phase (A.D. 1400-1650)
Sitters, Julian (Drew), and Timothy K. Perttula
An Ancestral Caddo Site (41CS125) on the Sulphur River at Lake Wright Patman, Cass County, Texas
Girard, Jeffrey S., and Charles R. McGimsey
Discovery and Recovery of a 14th Century Dugout Canoe on the Red River, Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Perttula, Timothy K.
Organic Residues on Engraved Vessels from Ancestral Caddo Sites in East Texas
Drexler, Carl G., and Fiona M. Taylor
Renewing Research on Holman Springs (3SV29), a Caddo Saltworks in Western Arkansas
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Building a Corpus of Crockett Curvilinear Incised Vessels
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Archiving our History, Publishing Results: Current Research at the Arkansas Archeological Survey's Henderson State University Research Station
Perttula, Timothy K., and Martin Terry
Analysis of ceramic vessel residues from the Washington Square Mound Site (41NA49) for evidence of peyote use by the Caddo in the 13th-15th centuries A.D.
Ray, Jack
Spiro and Caddoan Connections on the Northern Frontier of Southwest Missouri
Regnier, Amanda L.
Abstracts from the 2018 Caddo Conference in Idabel, Oklahoma
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 30. 2020
Perttula, Timothy K.
The Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Vessel Sherd and Ceramic Pipe Sherd Assemblage from the A.C. Saunders Site (41AN19) in the Upper Neches River Basin, Anderson County Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Selected Historic Caddo Allen Phase Vessels from the Deshazo Site (41AN13/37) on Bayou Loco, Nacogdoches County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K. and Bo Nelson
Archaeological Investigations at the Shackleford Creek Site (41SM494), Smith County, Texas
Trubitt, Mary Beth
Update on Hodges Collection of Native American Artifacts
Haley, Cambria, and Crystal A. Dozier
Preliminary Survey of the Eastern Half of the Boxed Springs Site (41UR30)
Middlebrook, Tom, and C. Colleen Hanratty
A Pilot Study in the Use of pXRF Analysis of Caddo Ceramics
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Abstracts from the 71st Caddo Conference held at University of Central Arkansas
Meeks, Michael
2019 Caddo Culture Club Activities Report
- Caddo Archeology Journal, Volume 31. 2021
Sabo III, George, Mary Beth Trubitt, and Kathy Cande
Ann M. Early's Contributions to Caddo Archeology
Nowak, Jesse C. and Diana Folsom
Digitizing Gilcrease Museum's Lemley Collection: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives from Native Artists and Scholars
Trubitt, Mary Beth, Jami J. Lockhart, and Vanessa N. Hanvey
Investigating a Caddo Mound Site in the Ouachita River Valley
Samuelsen, John R., and Margaret Guccione
Fluvial Sequencing and Caddo Landform Modification at the Crenshaw Site (3MI6)
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Someone's Best Friend: Caddo and the Diitsi'
Lambert, Shawn P.
Motifs in Motion: An Iconographic Evaluation of Spiro Engraved Production and Distribution between the Northern and Southern Caddo Areas
Skinner, S. Alan
The Cobb-Pool Site, A Caddo Settlement in the Mountain Creek Valley
Kay, Marvin
Early Shell-tempered Pots and Corn in the Ozark Highland
Selden, Robert Z., and Timothy K. Perttula
Index of Texas Archaeology Ceramic Comparative Collection
Hammerstedt, Scott W.
Book Review: Ouachita Mountains Archeology: Researching the Past with Two Projects in Arkansas (Trubitt)
Guderjan, Thomas H., E. Cory Sills, C. Colleen Hanratty, Keith Eppich, Amanda Regnier, Christy Simmons, Anthony Souther, and Mark Walters
The 62nd Annual Caddo Conference and 27th Annual East Texas Archeological Conference, Tyler, Texas, February 28 and 29, 2020
Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology
- Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, No. 20 (2004)
Walters, Mark, with contributions by Phil Dering, Timothy K. Perttula, LeeAnna Schniebs, Marilyn B. Shoberg, and Betty Inman, 41SM195A, The Browning Site
- Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, No. 21 (2005)
Perttula, Timothy K., Views of the Hatchel Site (41BW3) During the 1938-1939 WPA Excavations
- Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, No. 21 (2005)
Skinner, S. Alan, The Rainbow Site, An Unusual Syrup Mill in Gregg County, Texas
- Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, No. 21 (2005)
Furman, Ed and Clyde Amick, Archaeological Investigations at 41AN115
- Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Volume 33 (2010)
Middlebrook, Tom
The Jack Walton Site (41SA135), San Augustine County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Documentation of Caddo Ceramic Vessel Sherds from the Shelby Site (41CP71) in the Vernon Holcomb Collection, Camp County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, and Bo Nelson
Documenting Caddo Ceramic Sherd and Lithic Collections from Prehistoric Sites at Lake Bob Sandlin
Perttula, Timothy K., with contributions by LaaAnna Schniebs
Selected Prehistoric Caddo Sites in the Upper Sabine River Basin of Northeast Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Archaeological Findings from an Historic Caddo Site (41AN184) in Anderson County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Analysis of Prehistoric Caddo Ceramics from 41LR351, Lamar County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K., Bo Nelson, and Mark Walters
Documentation of Additional Vessels from the Johns Site (41CP12), Camp County, Texas
- Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Volume 34 (2011)
Perttula, Timothy K.
The Marcus Kolb Site (41CE438), Cherokee County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K. and Mark Walters
Analysis of The 19th Century Historic Archaeological Material Culture Remains from the Browning Site in Smith County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Early to Mid-19th Century Occupation at the Dead Cow Site (41SM324), Smith County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Analysis of the Prehistoric Artifacts from the Pace McDonald Site (41AN51), Anderson County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, and Bo Nelson
Analysis of Artifacts from a 2010 Surface Collection at the Pace McDonald Site (41AN51), A Probable Middle Caddo Mound Center in Anderson County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K. and Bo Nelson
A Prehistoric Caddo Site on the Black Fork Creek, Upper Neches River Basin, Smith County, Texas
Perttula, Timothy K., Bo Nelson, and Mark Walters
Archaeological Sites Along King Creek in Western Nacogdoches County, in East Texas
Perttula, Timothy K.
Notes on the Hudnall-Pirtle Site (41RK4) in the Buddy Calvin Jones Collection at the Gregg County Historical Museum
- Special Publication No. 7 (2009), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, Shawn Marceaux, and Bo Nelson
Caddo Pottery Vessels and Pipes from Sites in the Middle and Upper Sabine and Upper Neches River Basins, Smith and Wood Counties, Texas
- Special Publication No. 8 (2009), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, and Bo Nelson
Documentation of the Native American Ceramic Vessels from Northeast Texas, Southern Arkansas, and Eastern Oklahoma in the Boyce Smith Museum in Troup, Texas
- Special Publication No. 10 (2010), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, and Bo Nelson
Caddo Pottery Vessels and Pipes from Sites in the Big Cypress, Sulphur, Neches-Angelina, and Middle Sabine River Basins in the Turner and Johns Collections, Camp, Cass, Cherokee, Harrison, Morris, Titus, and Upshur Counties, Texas and Sabine Parish, Louisiana
- Special Publication No. 11 (2010), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Perttula, Timothy K., Mark Walters, and Bo Nelson
Caddo Pottery Vessels and Pipes from the Johns Site (41CP12) in the Big Cypress Creek Basin in the Turner and Johns Collections, Camp County, Texas
- Special Publication No. 12 (2009), Historic Preservation Program, Caddo Nation of Oklahoma and Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Perttula, Timothy K., Bo Nelson, Mark Walters, Robert Cast, and Bobby Gonzalez
Documentation of Caddo Funerary Objects in the Gilcrease Museum Collections
- Special Publication No. 13 (2009), Historic Preservation Program, Caddo Nation of Oklahoma and Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Perttula, Timothy K., Robert Cast, Bobby Gonzalez, and Bo Nelson
Documentation of Unassociated and Culturally Unidentifiable Funerary Objects in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District Collections Housed at the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin
- Special Publication No. 14 (2009), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology and Archeological & Environmental Consultants, LLC
Perttula, Timothy K. and Bo Nelson
Prehistoric Artifact Assemblages from sites along Hickory Creek in the Davy Crockett National Forest, Houston County, Texas
- Special Publication No. 16 (2010), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Schultz, T. Clay
Architectural Variability in the Caddo Area of Eastern Texas
- Special Publication No. 18 (2011), Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology
Shafer, Harry J.
Lithic Technology at the George C. Davis Site, Cherokee County, Texas
The Record: Publication of the Dallas Archaeological Society
- The Record, Volume 11, No. 4, February-March-April 1953
Hatzenbuehler, Robert
A Flexed Burial Delta County, Texas
- The Record, Volume 13, No. 1, October 1954
Harris, R.K., and Mr. and Mrs. John Perkins
Burials 12, 13, 14, & 15 The Sam Kaufman Site 19B3-2
- The Record, Volume 13, No. 3, June 1955
Perkins, John L.
The Big Sandy Site W-2
- The Record, Volume 14, No. 2, December, January, February 1955
Harris, R.K.
A Flexed Burial Site 19C5-15, Delta County, Texas
- The Record, Volume 14, No. 4, May-June 1956
Harris, R.K., and Lester Wilson
Burial 17, The Sam Kaufman Site, 19B3-2
- The Record, Volume 15, No. 1, April 1960
Huff, M.E.
Burial 18, The Sam Koffman Site
Blair, Bill
A Burial at Lower Rockwall (B4LRW-1)
- The Record, Volume 17, No. 1, February 1962
Harris R.K., and Inus Marie Harris
Another Marker on the Trail of the Norteno: A Preliminary Report on the Gilbert Site
- The Record, Volume 19, No. 1, June 1964
Gilmore, Kathleen, and Norma Hoffrichter
Preliminary Investigation: L.O. Ray Site, Delta County, Texas, Site Dt. 1
- The Record, Volume 39, No. 1, September 1983
Cobb, Herschel
A Burial at the Sam Kaufman Site
Harris, Inus Marie
Echoes from Smithsonian Institution on the R. King Harris Archeological Collection
- The Record, Volume 40, No. 2, May 1985
Steed, Paul P., Jr.
A Possible Narrative Petroglyph Panel from Apache Creek, New Mexico
Granberry, Doyle
8 C-14 Dates from McKenzie Mound Site 41WD55